Personal Financial Planning
Employing a clear planning process is the best way to provide optimal assurance of efficiently attaining desired outcomes.
The CFP Board of Standards has established a multi-step process and an ethics code for it's licensed practitioners to utilize in guiding you with your personal financial planning. We combine this standardized process with our years of experience in a custom planning approach that gets right to the core of what matters most to you.
We act as our clients’ consultants and guides in the financial planning journey on a monthly, fee-for-service basis.
Contact us today to find out more about how engaging with us in a real, on-going financial planning conversation can help you better clarify, articulate, and achieve your goals.
Investment Management Consulting
Investment management consulting, as distinct from investment management, derives historically from the institutional practices of large corporate pension plans whose investment committees have long required professional consulting support to reliably execute their prudent investor mandate. Broadly speaking, that mandate involves developing investment policies, specifying investment assignments, properly letting those assignments to capable investment managers, and monitoring results. Over the last decade or two, technology has enabled these formerly primarily institutional practices to be translatable, in a value-adding manner, at the level of individual investing.
The CIMA Certification Commission of the Investments & Wealth Institute maintains, promulgates, and tests candidates for CIMA (Certified Investment Management Analyst) certification on standards and ethics for investment consulting. We subscribe to and employ many IWI processes in our work with our investment management consulting clientele, most of whom are also financial planning clients.
We provide investment management consulting services on a percentage of assets under consult, fee-for-service basis. Such fees are generally billed quarterly, along with managerial and custodial fees, and charged to the account under consult.
Contact us today to find out more about engaging us as your investment management consultants. Because we speak the language of investment management, we’ll help you level the playing field in a world rife with asymmetric information.
Heritage Design
For those of you interested in optimally fostering the intergenerational continuation of family unity and family wealth into the indefinite future, we harness the power, practices, and process of The Heritage Institute. This estate planning related process, like personal financial planning and investment management consulting, is inherently on-going in nature. The process is well researched, designed, and described in Heritage Institute founders’ Perry Cochell and Rod Zeeb’s book, Beating the Midas Curse.
We facilitate Heritage Design work on a project-specific quoted, fee-for-service basis.
Contact us today to find out more about how you can provide invaluable benefit to many generations of your family to come by retaining us as your guides on a Heritage Design journey that can take the estate planning aspect of personal financial planning to a far deeper and more lasting level.